Aarna Water Solution provides water testing services for analyzing the water quality. Water quality analysis is done for the world’s mineral, petroleum, agricultural, industrial, food, manufacturing and many other industries. We have a global team of extremely skilled engineers and professionals who are very much passionate in contributing to the world for good especially for water conservation through sustainable and innovative technologies. We specialize in creating economical and high-quality water and wastewater testing methods which can be quickly installed, operated inevitably and maintained easily. Thus you get reliable reports of the water to be tested.
Along with the local proficiency backed-up by universal competences, we are fully equipped to help you comply with local policies and laws in concern of water quality. Our cutting-edge methods require the collection of smaller sample volumes thereby reducing the cost of field specimen and transportation and superior results being delivered. The testing procedures we follow are proficient and are extensive ranging (Accredited laboratories on call to assist): Chemical, Biological, Microbiological etc. There are various water testing processes which are done as per the scenario.
We provide a broad range of water testing and analysis services to help you accomplish your regulatory requirements. Analyses include semi-volatile organics, volatile organics, herbicides, pesticides, PCBs and varieties of metals, petroleum hydrocarbon analyses, microbiology and most of the general methods of chemistry labs like nutrients, minerals, anions, residue etc. Each of the matrix has explicit methods and requirements. Our Water Testing Services include:
- Surface Water Testing
- Drinking Water Testing
- Waste Water Testing
- Groundwater Testing
- Cooling Water Conditioning and Control
- Boiler water and RO water
- DM Water
- Specialty Testing and many more.
We owe an advanced methodical chemistry experience in this field and laboratory which makes us one of the top among all the testing and treatment suppliers. Our service is always there to solve problems not to enhance them. We try our best to carry out the processes locally to the site wherever possible so as to cut down testing and analysis turn-round time. Water testing comprises of trace analysis capabilities. AWS have highly skilled professionals to perform a monitory process at each and every step of treatment that is Analytical Testing to observe chemical parameters like chlorine, nitrogen compounds and phosphates and other parameters.